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End of arm tooling (EOAT)

End of arm tooling (EOAT) is a crucial aspect of robotic technology. It refers to the equipment that interacts with parts and components, typically at the end of a robotic arm. For example, screwing, nailing, routing or gluing tools on a robotic system.

The EOAT gives a robot a specific functionality and can be changed to fit different applications or even be built to accommodate several processes at once. Either way, advancements in EOAT capabilities are parallel to advancements in robotic capabilities.

Popular Types of EOAT in Robot Applications

There are many different types of EOAT for robots: grippers, welding torches, force-torque sensors, material removal tools, collision sensors, tool changers and more. They are powered electrically, hydraulically, mechanically or pneumatically. The application dictates which type of EOAT is needed.

EOAT is an important part of a robotic system. It is what gives a robot its functionality, and as EOAT advances, so does robotics.

When the real ‘factory of the future’ arrives, it will not look different because we have automated the processes. It will look different because we will have invented entirely new processes, designs and standards for the entire house manufacturing industry.

A part of our scope is to find out the “new processes, designs and standards” that will lead to the need of the next generation EOAT, not yet defined and/or invented.

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When the real ‘factory of the future’ arrives, it will not look different because we have automated the processes. It will look different because we will have invented entirely new processes, designs and standards for the entire house manufacturing industry.

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